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ATM: Purpose before Process


Purpose before process is a turn of phrase I share often in my work. Our division leadership team has heard this often. We need to be clear on our purpose in the collective work we do if we are to design effective processes to advance our goals.

When you boil it all down, our purpose in public education is twofold.  

We are responsible for supporting and advancing student learning. Our schools are filled with students every day, and the staff team facilitates their learning through high-quality teaching, student support systems and structures, and the design of engaging learning opportunities. This is purposeful work to be sure.


We are also responsible for enabling students to be available to learn, an equally important purpose in our work.  This is the work of creating and nurturing safe, caring, respectful, and welcoming learning environments; essential elements for all students to thrive.


Purpose before process. It is important to keep this in mind as we work together as a learning community to achieve our goals. Our work in assuring safe learning spaces for all our students and staff is arguably the foundation that allows teaching and learning to flourish.


You cannot have one, student learning, without the other, safe and caring learning spaces.

Superintendent-Schools-Fuzessy-8.pngChris Fuzessy
Superintendent of Schools

Trustee%20Letendre-3.pngTheresa Letendre
Trustee Ward 3
Board of Trustees Chair

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