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Continuity of Learning during Labour Action - Updated March 14, 2025


This is an evergreen communication with our community regarding the assurance of a continuity of learning. Please read updates below.  

To our FSD Community, 

Honesty is the foundation of trust and assurance. During our tenure as leaders in the Foothills School Division (FSD) community, we have always been honest and transparent in our communications. 

To provide clarity and transparency we are sharing the following updates with you. For updates regarding CUPE Local 5040 Labour Relations, please click here.

February 24, 2025

Assuring a continuity of learning during labour action

On Friday, February 21, 2025, we requested that our principals contact many families and ask them to keep their child at home while we planned for labour action affecting our community; and to support families in making plans for the following Monday. This was a difficult step, especially for the families that received this phone call. We recognize this and acknowledge the upset this has caused.  

This was necessary to align with Alberta Education direction in contingency planning for students during job action; and to be able to assure the safety of all children in our care.


Labour action disrupts operations

  • CUPE local 5040 served 72 hours’ strike notice to FSD at 4:00 PM on Thursday, February 20, 2025. 
  • This means that close to 280 of our staff team will not be at work in their support roles to students as of Monday, February 24, 2025 – close to one third of our team.
  • With significantly reduced staffing, to be proactive, and to meet our responsibility towards student safety for children in our care (Education Act, Section 33(1)) principals were asked to contact families on February 21, 2025.

Legislation & Ministerial Orders

  • In anticipating potential labour action and working under the direction provided by Alberta Education, and in compliance with In-Person Learning Regulation (Alberta Regulation 226/2022), we developed a contingency plan aligned with Section 4 of the regulation seeking exemptions from the Minister for in-person learning.
  • As directed, The Foothills School Division submitted a formal labour action contingency plan to Alberta Education on Thursday, February 20, 2025. We were instructed not to submit this plan until strike notice was received.  
  • Late in the day on February 20, 2025, we became aware that the Province of Alberta (Kerber v Alberta) received an injunction from the Court of King’s Bench regarding similar exemptions from in-person learning in an Alberta school jurisdiction.
  • Early on the morning of February 21, 2025, we inquired with Alberta Education about how this injunction may affect our contingency plan.
  • Subsequently, Ministerial approval for our contingency plan was denied at 10:05 PM on Saturday, February 22, 2025, citing the need for compliance with the Court of King’s Bench injunction.

 Next Steps

  • On Sunday, February 23, 2025, we began the process of developing a revised plan that aligns with the injunction under the direction of Alberta Education.
  • We will communicate how this updated plan affects our school communities as soon as possible.
  • On Thursday, February 27, 2025, the Division resubmitted a revised contingency plan including an application for exemption to in-person learning.  This was done in alignment with Alberta Education’s direction, to align with the Court of King’s Bench injunction (Kerber v Alberta 2025), ongoing consultation from the Division’s legal counsel, and, ultimately, to better assure student safety for in-person learning, as per our obligation under the Education Act s. 33(1)(d). Safety is the Division’s priority. 

We will continue to work with the province and ask for your cooperation and support as we plan along with our school leaders to assure learning and safety for each learner through current job action. 

February 28, 2025

Redeploying human resources

The Division redeployed human resources, including Division Office staff, throughout the system to support schools in meeting the needs of learners, to the fullest extent possible, while also assuring our responsibility to student safety. Redeployed in-school supports enable the Division to meet the requirements set by the Province and the Education Act to ensure a safe learning environment. 

March 4, 2025

Ministerial Order issued to Foothills School Division

Our priority continues to be providing safe, caring, welcoming and respectful learning environments for all learners. On the afternoon of March 3, 2025, the Foothills School Division received a Ministerial Order (018/2025) including an Exemption to the In-person Learning Regulation. For the duration of the CUPE Local 5040 labour action, the Minister of Education has granted Foothills School Division a temporary exemption from the In-Person Learning Regulation. This exemption allows the Division to adjust in-person learning requirements (linked below).

As indicated in the February 24 update above, the Division requested an exemption from section 2 of the In-person Learning Regulation for the duration of the job action. This was done in order to meet our obligation to deliver education programming while also fulfilling our responsibility to provide welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environments (Education Act s.33(1)(d)).

Given the absence of a third of our staff due to labour action, the Division continues to assess ongoing needs and to provide supports to foster safe learning environments. This includes the redeployment of human resources and continual hiring of qualified staff. The Division remains responsible for accommodating purposeful and meaningful learning opportunities for students, while balancing current resources, and assuring safe learning environments. 

Schools, in collaboration with families, will make every reasonable effort to support in-person learning while balancing safety concerns and operational realities. As a result, in-person learning plans may look different for each student.

The Division must ensure the health and safety of all learners and appreciates the community’s understanding that Principals have a duty under the Education Act (s.197) to maintain a safe, caring, welcoming, and respectful learning environment. Thank you for your understanding and support as we adapt to labour action and assure a continuity of learning. 

  Ministerial Order #018-2025 In Person Learning Regulation

March 6, 2025

Update to calendar to offer equitable balance of learning

Foothills School Division is continuously assessing the needs of the system, and identifies solutions to best address student engagement, support, and success. In our effort to maintain an equitable balance of learning during the CUPE 5040 labour action, on March 5, 2025, the Foothills School Division Board of Trustees have approved an amendment to the 2024-2025 instructional calendar. Click here to read full story.

March 7, 2025

Clarity regarding in-school supports for a continuity of learning

With the absence of a third of our staff due to labour action, the Division continues to assess ongoing needs and to provide supports to foster safe learning environments. This includes the redeployment of certificated staff (teachers) and continual hiring of qualified staff to assure the continuity of student learning. 

The Division remains responsible for accommodating purposeful and meaningful learning opportunities for students, while balancing current resources, and assuring safe learning environments In our responsibility to provide safe learning environments and continued operations across the system, we have added qualified healthcare workers to tend to the important medical needs of students. 

Safety in learning is the Division’s priority. The focus of these roles is on the medical safety and wellness of students; teachers are, and always, responsible for the instruction and the continuum of supports for students. The addition of these trained personnel assists schools in providing the opportunity for all students to participate in meaningful learning. 

March 14, 2025

A Thoughtful Moment: Community & Collaboration

Working together today, and into the future. Community and collaboration are important when navigating challenges. 

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