FSD celebrates three principals receiving the ATA Council for School Leadership Distinguished Leadership Award

Foothills School Division is proud to announce that three of its principals have been selected as recipients of the Alberta Teachers' Association Council for School Leadership (CSL) Distinguished Leadership Award. The award recognizes school leaders who demonstrate exemplary leadership skills and contribute to the overall well-being of students, staff, and the wider community.
Karla Davis, Principal at Millarville Community School in Millarville
Ms. Davis’s professional passion for inquiry-based learning where students are agents of their own learning and partners in the learning process has been at the core of her teaching and leadership in the school community.

Scott Flintoft, Principal at Red Deer Lake School in Foothills County
Mr. Flintoft has been an innovative leader who has fostered a culture of collaboration, creativity, and inquiry among his staff and students. Mr. Flintoft’s instructional leadership is characterized by strong abilities to create a positive culture across the school, communicate well with families and schools, support inclusive education practices, and plan engaging learning experiences for diverse student needs.

Debbie Payne, Principal at Turner Valley School in Diamond Valley
Ms. Payne has been a passionate advocate for rural education and community engagement. Ms. Payne aims to provide a dynamic, welcoming space with diverse academic and extra-academic options for students. She also supports her staff teams and all students with solid numeracy and literacy skills, personalized and trauma-aware practice, and a collaborative culture.
The three principals will be honoured by the Foothills School Division Board of Trustees at a recognition luncheon on June 5, 2024. They will also attend the provincial CSL Gala in Edmonton on June 7, 2024, where they will receive their awards and join other distinguished leaders from across Alberta.
Foothills School Division congratulates Scott Flintoft, Debbie Payne, and Karla Davis on their well-deserved recognition and thanks them for their outstanding service and dedication to our students and communities.
Media Contact:
Sara Fox
Manager of Communications and Community Engagement