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ATM: Red Dress Day


On May 5th, we come together as a community to honour Red Dress Day, a day of remembrance and solidarity. This poignant occasion holds profound significance as we unite to commemorate and raise awareness of the ongoing National crisis surrounding missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit individuals (MMIWG2S).

The red dress serves as a symbol, a powerful reminder of those who have been taken from us too soon, and a call to action to address the systemic issues that perpetuate this tragedy. Each red dress tells a story – a story of a loved one taken too soon, of grief endured, and of justice sought. 

As we observe Red Dress Day, we reflect on the resilience and strength of Indigenous communities, who continue to advocate tirelessly for justice, healing, and change. It is a day to listen, learn, and amplify the voices of those affected by violence and discrimination. Through education and empathy, we strive to create a future where Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit individuals can live free from fear and harm.

The Foothills School Division stands united with Indigenous peoples in the pursuit of justice, healing, and reconciliation. We reaffirm our commitment to creating equitable and inclusive environments where all individuals are respected and supported. 

Every Red Dress Day, let us honor the lives lost, support the survivors, and renew our dedication to building a more just and equitable world for future generations. Together, we can create meaningful change and ensure that every person is respected, protected, and empowered to thrive. 

To further show our commitment to end violence, we ask you to join us in participating in the Moose Hide Campaign. The Moose Hide, often pinned to a lapel, is a symbol of taking a stand against violence and undoing the effects of Residential Schools. It is a sign to our colleagues, friends, and neighbours, that we are building a just community. To learn more about the campaign and how you can be involved, visit

Yours in learning,

 ILC-TeglerC.pngCharity Tegler
Indigenous Learning Coordinator

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