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2023-2024 Calendar Feedback

2023-24 Calendar Feedback


In the fall of 2022, we asked you if Foothills School Division should move to a 4 or a 4.5-day learning week. The results were nearly equitable, resulting in the division not moving forward with this idea. We are continuing to explore financial and calendar efficiencies to best serve our students while maintaining wellness for all. Note, Foothills School Division is required to provide a certain number of instructional days in the year as well as provide professional development days for our team, as such some ideal calendar preferences are not sustainable. Your feedback in this forum can help us optimize the calendar to best suit schools and their families.

Today we are exploring the 2023-2024 academic calendar. 

At the link below we will ask you to share your ideas:

  • What means the most to you when it comes to the school calendar?

What's your preference (polls):

  • Balance long breaks over the course of the year
  • Staggered school start days or all students start after Labour day

Your input helps us ensure we are maximizing student learning while balancing organizational priorities. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.

Please provide your feedback by January 17th:  The finalized calendar will be shared once approved by the Board of Trustees. 



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