2024 FFSF Grant Recipients

The Friends of Foothills Schools Foundation recently completed their first fundraising event. The income from the golf tournament allowed us to request grant proposals up to a total value of $3,000.00. Our sincere appreciation to each School Council who applied. We received 9 proposals totaling $19,400.00.
The Friends of Foothills Schools Foundation Board met and reviewed all applications.
We are pleased to announce we will provide funding to three School Council projects. These include:
- École Okotoks Junior High School – to support the purchase of a Shapeoko Pro CNC Router for their woodshop
- École Senator Riley Middle School – to support the purchase of tower gardening supplies and to support the purchase of a cold food serving bar
- École Secondaire Highwood High School – to support their purchase of replace components of their theatre lighting control system
The Foundation Board was impressed with the quality and quantity of student focused projects. Although we are not able to support all of them, we remain very motivated to continue to raise funds and collaborate with Foothills School Division’s schools and school councils to enhance student learning. We would like to thank all school councils who participated in the process and hope that as the Foundation continues its fundraising efforts, we will be able to support many more worthwhile projects.
Larry Albrecht, President Marica Borovich-Law, Executive Director