ATM: Positive change is foundational to our learning organization.
Studies about leadership and how organizations change over time show that being a "learning organization" makes us stronger today, and in the future. Being a learning organization means that we want to improve, get better, and grow.
As a school division, our main job is teaching and learning. This happens all year long. We are dedicated to learning and have set up ways to make sure it happens meaningfully.
First, let's talk about our classrooms. Teachers, leaders, and staff work hard every day to make sure students have great learning experiences. Whether it's in the classroom, through sports, work experience, or other activities, students have many opportunities to learn and grow.
There is also learning for our team members in all roles, because we too need to grow. Professional learning communities bring teachers together to learn new methods and research-based modalities, and collaborate resources to promote student engagement, support, and success.
We also have dedicated learning days to focus on important topics that can help both staff and students, such as building a trauma-informed culture and first aid. Specifically for teachers, the Alberta Teacher’s Association (ATA) also offers valuable learning.
Support staff, a group that includes our educational assistants, youth development coaches, school office administrators and secretaries, data facilitators, learning commons technicians, bus drivers, and division office staff, have an annual learning day and school-based support staff are also included in some school-based learning.
Expanding beyond the classroom, our leadership team gathers once a month for the Foothills Administrator’s Association (FAA) Learning Days. This leadership team consists of school leaders (principals, vice principals) and system leaders (directors, managers, coordinators, superintendents). The intent of this monthly learning opportunity is to collaborate and foster the conditions that enable each school and department to advance the goals within the education plan.
With a commitment on the provincial level, directors and superintendents earn professional learning credits through the College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS) by attending courses, conferences, and meetings.
As a learning organization, it is imperative that those who govern our system engage in opportunities to deepen understanding of education. Our Trustees have a professional learning committee that helps them learn about the division and its operations, and they also take advantage of opportunities to learn through the Alberta School Board’s Association (ASBA).
Finally, from all levels in the division, we really listen to your feedback and learn from our interactions with you, our community - whether it is a quick chat or a formalized survey. These opportunities help us assess what the community (you) needs. Your voice informs our decisions, and this cannot be understated.
At FSD, we are a group that loves to learn and believes learning is an important, ongoing practice. We think that to help our students and community, learning should be at the center of everything we do. We are committed to learning because it lets us achieve continuous improvement. If we are not getting better, we are standing still, and that is not in the best interest for our students or our societies who will rely on these future leaders to foster flourishing communities.
Yours in learning,
Chris Fuzessy, PhD
Superintendent of Schools