The 2024-2025 Calendar

At the January 31, 2024, Board Meeting, the Foothills School Division Board of Trustees approved the 2024-2024 academic calendar.
This calendar is a synthesis of parent feedback, staff voice, and attending to the needs of students while accommodating the balance of breaks, and provincial diploma exams and PATs.
August 30 - Student Transition Day (To support the social-emotional wellness of learners, this is a day schools may use to welcome new grade cohorts, or for students and parents to become familiar with their class or school.)
September 3 - First Day of School for All Students
September 30 - National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
November 12 - 15 - Fall Break
November 18 - 29 - Learner Conferences
December 23 - January 3 - Winter Break
February 18 - 21 - Schools Closed
April 14 - 17, 28 - 30 - Learner Conferences
April 18 - 25 - Spring Break
June 27 - Last Day of School for Students
To view the entire calendar please see the attached documents below and be sure to check out the February 2024 edition of Footnotes for a better understanding of how we build the calendar.